General Policies and Practices

“Kyoto University Policy on Research Data Management and Sharing” defines research data as the recorded information, both digital and non-digital, gathered or produced by the researchers of Kyoto University in the process of their research activities.
Reference:Supplementary explanation about the policy④

Within the context of Research Integrity, “research data” refers to “research materials which are the grounds of presented research discovery.”
Conversely, within the context of Research Data Management, it refers to all the data “gathered or produced by the researchers of Kyoto University in the process of their research activities”––a much broader scope that also encompasses “research data” classified within the framework of Research Integrity. In terms of preservation, within the context of Research Data Management, a decision must first be made on whether to preserve or destroy each particular set of research data. Then, if a set of research data is to be preserved, the period of preservation and scope of disclosure must be determined. Except in the case of “research materials which are the grounds of presented research discovery” as defined within the context of Research Integrity, the preservation period is determined by the Research Data Manager.

Please be sure to prepare a Research DMP if required to do so by your faculty or department’s Research Data Management and Sharing Policy, a funding agency, or academic association, etc. Even if you are not required to prepare one, we recommend that you do so anyway in order to ensure proper data management.

Sharing of Research Data

No. While in principle it is desirable to share as much data as possible, you should decide whether or not to share your data after taking into consideration any legal and/or ethical requirements, contracts, regulations, etc., as well as the standards and practices of the research community in the relevant field.

You can share the research data which are the grounds of presented research discovery as well as provide DOIs via the Kyoto University Research Information Repository (KURENAI). You may also select an external data repository, which includes both subject-specific and general-purpose repositories. For more information, please visit the Kyoto University Library Network.
If you have any other questions, please contact the Working Group for the Promotion of Research Data Management and Sharing .

rdm-wg [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp